Mission and Vision
Lynwood Unified School District Mission Statement
The mission of Lynwood Unified School District, the model urban school district, is to ensure each student fearlessly achieves their highest academic and personal aspirations while contributing to a diverse, global society through an evolving system distinguished by:
- people of great character who inspire and lead by example
- the instilling of courage to be creative
- the transformative uses of technology
- safe and clean environments
- the inclusion of all voices in our community through equity, access and justice
Vista High School Mission Statement
Our mission at Vista High School is to provide students with a nurturing learning environment that promotes academic achievement, fosters personal growth and respect for the rights and diversity of others, and cultivates the attitudes, skills and values necessary to become lifelong learners, responsible citizens and productive members of society.
Vista High School School Vision
- Develop self-worth in students. Create responsible individuals with integrity and responsibility to themselves, their families, and society.
- Create an atmosphere of learning where the students and teachers develop a teamwork partnership each supporting the learning process with expectations that ensure the transfer of knowledge, the ability to process information, analyze concepts and ideas, interpret and evaluate information.
- Teachers interact with students in a manner that reflects respect for the students and students respond with like attitudes for the teachers and the institution.
- Teachers, while affecting a structured environment with specific rules and behavior expectations, also provide an atmosphere of trust and concern for the students and their ambitions, outlooks and dreams for the future. Develop responsibility to the contract criteria:
- Complete all assignments
- Turn-in-assignments on schedule.
- Promptness to class sessions
- Maintain academic proficiency in all subjects.
- Attendance/maintain regular attendance
- Develop positive student expectations for behavior and attendance.
a. Stress teacher expectations by creating an atmosphere where students will be expected to
demonstrate proper attitude toward assignment time-lines.
b. Create, between student and teacher, a teamwork attitude based on respect and trust.
- Students will be able to discuss problems that affect progress in subjects or attendance.
- Students will be able to express concerns that may impede the educational process.
- Objectives for students, focused on success.
- Students will complete all assignments.
- Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to understand and explain concepts and ideas within the assignment.
- Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in problem solving and analyzing materials and drawing conclusions.
- Students will be able to incorporate concepts and ideas into information learned previously and show the relationships to current material.
- Students will be able to make statements about subject content and verify statements with specific references to ideas and concepts within the content of assignments
- Students will be able to draw conclusions on information within subject content.
- Students will be able to score proficient or advanced or receive a passing score on completed tests; teacher designed; publisher designed standardized tests such as CRT, CST, and CAHSEE.
- Students will complete all assignments.